
What is Common Industrial Protocol Safety?


CIP Safety“Common Industrial Protocol” – is an architecture  designed to provide fail-safe communication between different nodes on a safety network, including safety programmable logic controllers or Safe PLC’s,  safety door switches, safety light curtains, and many more. 

With most safety networks, you must hookup EACH safety device (which, in the case of a robot, or a machine can mean multiple individual devices hooked up ) back to the safe PLC. Safety involves redundancy, which means that each device will have at least two wires, and installation will be a very time-consuming activity. 

Safety over CIP or Simply CIP Safety, on the other hand, can be run over most common network cabling, which in turn mean not creating a need for special hardware requirements , irrespective of the location of the controller . It doesn’t matter whether you have a centralized or decentralized safety system. Since it’s not necessary to wire devices point-to-point, CIP Safety dramatically reduces wiring time and effort. 

Furthermore, all communications go through a single standard Ethernet cable, easing it  than ever to acquire necessary information for managing complex interactions between humans and machines. 

CIP Safety over EtherNet/IP enables smart safety within a Connected Enterprise and provides rich data from the plant floor . Rockwell Automation CIP  Modules & Devices  are designed to improve productivity and increase efficiency while helping provide personnel safety ,and can help protect complex equipment's.

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An Automation Era v2.0


Well it all began in the late 60’s when Mr Dick Morley known as the " Fathers" of Programmable of Logic Controller [PLC] had a concept which would replace relay logic with some sort of a computer .That idea that struck since then change the course of not jut the automotive industry but has brought up an industrial revolution of its kind.The chatters of the relay have long been moved from the Electro- mechanical sequencing and from pneumatic  and Hydraulic P&ID control to simple Zero’s(0) and One’s (1) .

The world and the industry has since changed a lot but the one thing common the ‘Data’ has been following the law of conservation of energy i.e. , in my context the data can eventually nether be created or if not intended it be destroyed ,it can be transformed from one form to another for best results . The ‘Data’ since then has been transformed just from parameterize and reporting to more value value based propositions for ROI and Business Intelligence .

The Era of Artificial Intelligence is in its mid and since its inception in late 70’s have gone in for tremendous reforms ., we are now in a era were we are in a IT based Automation solution ; by that I mean the office and the field is seamlessly integrated and communicated across the continents just like what we did across the plant in the early days . The controllers are fast , strong , and versatile to handle complex process and deliver predicted model based results to save on time and money . With all this advancements the software didn't lack and have quickly moved from that old black screen with tons of instructions to module based Function Block .All his has started to move to move the automation a level up . With all this enhancement the productivity has greatly increased in a value based preposition , and programming the logic controller to with higher level languages ; thus bridge the gap which  IT engineer and the automation engineer had since years . Raw data processing transmitting was a challenge in it self , controllers are now equipped with Web servers and FTP with direct ERP data table mapped thus simplifying and pacing the project need to the best extend .

Our new normal is driving client-demand to automate processes that eliminate repetitive, monotonous tasks and augment humans to produce super-human results more rapidly. To meet this demand,  automation turbocharging with artificial intelligence (AI) to enable enterprises to automate a broader set of tasks,which we declare to be Automation 2.0.

 AI-powered automation is defined as a continuous closed-loop automation process where data patterns are discovered and analyzed, such that decisions on insights from the data can be translated into automated actions, with AI providing proactive optimizations during each stage of the process. AI-powered automation uses actionable intelligence to deliver IT and business operations with speed, lower cost, and improved user experience. The next section examines these four stages, illustrating how AI is transforming at each of these stages.

We at Softcon , have been in the automation industry since late 90’s have experienced this wonderful journey and are committed to enhancing with proven solutions for the global IT based Automation market .