
What Function does PLC plays in An Automation Industry ?


Programmable logic controller (PLC) is a digital system of automation, which is used on a very large scale in automation industries. In these industries, it is used for a very high plant. Basically, it is used to control the heavy machines to fire a large process for grading of food, separation of many big things and many other tasks. It is typically designed as real-time controllers, which means that when you give the input, it really gives the output in the same manner. It is called an area-time controller, which gives the exact output. It has less noise, which means that it has noise immunity that does not disturb the persons.

Every machine has two aspects : 

  • Input 
  • Output

 As you give the input, it gives you the output but the thing is that the output should come as your requirements so in this manner this is a real-time controller as the normal human beings have the senses to do such type of thing same like that of machines. 

The machines also have their sensors and actuators. The sensors perform the function of doing things and actuators perform the tasks as per their requirements.The sensors and actuators both have designed like that they can catch any type of thing. Programmable controllers are designed in a way that they can perform such type of tasks rather than numerous things fitted in a machine. It performs the tasks that any machines can do the automation system with a high amount of parts fitted in that.

The basic function of controllers is that they control many types of motions and the related process. It has the hardware attached to it. It is compatible to industries, so this is a type of logic controllers based on digital processes, which reads the digital readings. The most important thing is that it requires the few workers. They can also perform very difficult tasks. Basically the digital signals based on binary reading such as 0 and 1 these things are sent by using the voltage and current has delivered the message to the machines the by that they perform the tasks. It mainly receives the signals working in a proper manner.

PLC Based Control Systems In India are very common and are widely used in automation industry nowadays. Softcon Systems is one of the best PLC Automation Companies In Pune. This way you can get an idea about controllers, which help you a lot in choosing the right products for you.

Automation Technology Roadmap to Industry is Easier!



This sounds slightly abstract. During this case the advanced automation technology could be a whole manufactory that during a ton of cases is quite one kilometer long.


But why would you prefer to simulate a full steel plant? Well, as a result of a manufactory prices up to a pair of billion Rupees and you'll be able to lose an enormous quantity of cash once the beginning of such a plant is delayed or it's not operating right. During this case simulation will facilitate to scale back the danger.


Here the main focus is on the automation instrumentation. The simulation ensures that the automation programs together with the sensors and actors run swimmingly right from the start. Simply Associate in nursing impression: one manufactory consists of nineteen, 000 input and output signals that are controlled by PLCs and alternative automation instrumentation.


The whole automation instrumentation industry is build up during a take a look at center to program and simulate the entire automation system like controllers and therefore the HMI (Human Machine Interface).


As well it's wont to train the operators and maintenance individuals. The simulation and coaching takes between 3 to 6 months. SOFTCON supported the build of steel plants within the last few years and gained a close understanding of the desired tasks.
The benefits SOFTCON were able to come through along with their client are:
  • High software package quality right from the start (these are for instance the PLC programs)
  •  Reduction of your time throughout the vital start-up section
  •  Short authorization time and quick ramp-up


SOFTCON is endlessly exploring the most recent technology as per market demand time to time and developing experience through their international expertise in process plantsoil & gasautomation industry and Food And Beverages Sector with  extremely masterly workers and world leader partners to support customers to require advantage of such developments.


SOFTCON, being associate coming organization aims to attain the goals and objectives with its ability to alter with time and therefore the determination to perpetually explore and meet client necessities. Our Company and team area unit driven by such a vision altogether its growth plans.


Visit our site for more Information : or Call Us.


Automation + Digital Transformation - A Key to Business Success


Automation is a process of using computers to control machinery and industrial processes of an organization. Automation generally reduces the use of the power of humans as well as machines. Automation is playing the best role in increasing income as it saves time to help a person to do multiple things with complete ease and comfort. There are many things and factors involved in automation. Chemical process can also be made automated. Some tools are involved in Industrial Automation In India

They are listed as follows: 

  • ANN - Artificial neural network 
  • DCS - Distributed Control System
  • HMI - Human Machine Interface 
  • LIMS - Laboratory Information Management System
  • MES - Manufacturing Execution System
  • PAC - Programmable Automation Controller 
  • SCADA - Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
  • PLC - Programmable Logic Controller 

On the other is Digital Transformation means  is the practice of using technology to radically change your business to pursue new revenue streams and business models and to avoid disruption.

Digital transformation involves more than simply moving everything to the cloud and adopting a variety of digital processes. 

Tools used by Digital Transformation:

  • Collaborative Suites
  • Communication Tools
  • New Generation Intranet Platforms
  • CRM Tools
  • CMS Tools
  • Cloud Storage
  • Project Management Tools
  • Recruitment Management Tools
  • Digital Accounting Tools
  • Payroll Management Tools

Digitalization often starts with Automation, and migrating your data from paper copies to a digital system is one of the first steps.. Once paperless, and with your data easily accessible, you’re closing in on our model of an agile transformation.

Currently, the available technology for automation still requires human interaction or supervision, so there’s no need to panic about job loss. On the other hand, innovation breeds its own set of needs that will create new jobs. 100 years ago, social media didn’t exist, so there wasn’t a need for a social media manager like there is today. In the same vein, we can’t anticipate the jobs of the future because we’re not there yet. Going back to the point of fear of how automation performs, it’s always said that machines don’t err, humans do. If the programs and processes are properly set up, automation will actually reduce the margin of error and increase efficiency, without a doubt. 

Automation is one of the most common goals of digital transformation. The biggest benefit of leveraging automation to digitally transform is that when the time comes to grow the business, automation allows for a more seamless transition into the new business model size, with fewer resources. Digital transformation is a surefire way to ensure that your business can not just survive but thrive during the next decade.

We at Softcon Systems having more than 15 years of experience in Industrial Process Automation will help your business to grow innovatively. Contact Us for more details.

Creating the Future of Manufacturing in an Automation World


Industrial services involve the different types of services that are used to processes a company. Industries differ in mutual due to their manufacturing products. The industrial services are divided into different categories and these include as follows: 
  • Management services involve different techniques and tools that are used to manage not only different processes but also the employees of the company. Over time, the different techniques are evolved like benchmarking; six sigma and total quality management which are the latest techniques in order to comfort the management teams. These management services provided to the top management help in taking the company towards the journey of success. Management services vary from company to company as different companies need different techniques. Team industrial services are the one in which the team working is enhanced to increase the productivity level. 
  • Manufacturing services require different machines and technologies in order to make the process more productive and hold minimum fault in it. With the passage of time, the manufacturing services are taken by the automotive technology from the labor due to the efficient and effective services of these industrial automation manufacturers .Usually, these technologies involve the use machines, which create a huge difference in giving the flexible performance. Different business industrial goods and services packaging is taken on contract basis as to enhance the each step of the product. Industrial goods and services are now more dependent on the automotive technology services.

Machining involves different types of machines that are used on an industrial basis. These machining processes require different technologies advancement in order to provide maximum quality at each step. Therefore, now innovative automotive technologies are in use by the industrial automation in India for machining purposes. 

Benefits of Automation Systems


Automation is the creation and application of technology to monitor and control the production and delivery of products and services.

       There are a lot of benefits of automation systems

we can say that it minimizes a lot of work that can be done by hand and man dependency on a system is reduced. 

These systems are portable that can be moved from one place to another. 

The automated software systems available today are used to manage different working tasks in companies and homes. 

There is another form of automation that is used to test the application manually. It is called the test automation. It performs tasks by using direct automation techniques. Thus, automation directs the equipment to do their work exactly in a correct way. There are many automation techniques out of which one is Rockwell integrator automation. This type of automation is providing very advanced and up-to-date methods for carrying out different tasks. They provide resources for the problem-solving activities that can be very cost effective. It is not a huge type of thing. We at Softcon are official partner of Rockwell integrators  provides cost-effective solutions to the problems.

In the process of automation, there are lots of lab safeties supplies involved, which make our work easy and reliable. They also facilitate to do the work smoothly done. As the name indicates, lab safety supplies provide the security in the automation processes. They provide flammable reactive things so that in case of fire, we can remain safe from fire-related damages. They also provide bottles for the safety of chemicals. Sharpie Marker is a type of ink that is used to resists different solvents to remain safe from automation errors. As we know that automated systems also need construction safety supplies that are used to perform reliable work during the construction of a building. Thus, Industrial automation in India is very important in today’s time and without it, organizations cannot expect to survive in this agressive competition.


Different Types of Automation Systems

 Not everyone can easily do it, but an automation system helps employers to perform different tasks, and it gives convenience to the users and the workers in their fieldwork. It needs a permanent setup because it is mainly used on a daily basis. So without moving it from one place to another, it is not possible to take proper work from it, and the most important thing about it is its reliability. Therefore, this process has reliability and it does not cause any major damage or the deaths of a person while drifting.

Industrial automation companies in India  includes many things such as software automation, factory tools automation and robots, Weather automation and many other things give us a variety of range of automation systems in every field. In software, marketing for business tools is a global incorporation providing these types of things. For many years, industrial automation in India has greater efficiency and reliability in the market, as every company wants the best. 

Automation companies in Pune incidentally offer highest grade software tools in the Indian market related to software such as quick surf, computer aided software’s to enhance the speed of the systems in a larger manner. Pharma Industrial Automation  is also providing the medicines for the patients as per their requirements. Every vendor wants to provide the right thing to his/her customers Building automation is the system that can perform many things. Advanced automation also provides cylinders and many other things related to cylinders


The broadcast communicating system is the system to provide many things in the broadcasting field, shipping corporation marine vehicle control, the pressure in the sea control, and the burner management control to note down the analog and digital values. Food & Beverages Industrial Automation provides the system of beverages; the companies provide everything that can help achieve your goals successfully. 

Home automation performs many things to integrate weather flow and control of lights i.e. on and off. 

Software automation improves the effectiveness of the things and saves the time.

Business automation is to reduce the amount of labor and do the work in a better way. It is designed to have less user interface underlying. In a database field, it has to be automated because the users commit many mistakes at a lime, as they are using the system that poses few drawbacks in it at a time of performing major tasks. Automation, on the whole, is a process of using power and learning about power; how it can be used efficiently in various ways. 


Automation Solutions and Instrumentality Modernization

 Now-a-days one can notice vary of automation system manufacturers giving automation solutions from getting down to end. Agreeing to this belief, “automation solutions embrace PLCs, automation controllers, human machine interface (HMIs), distributed I/Os, communication and management networks, power monitors, variable frequency drives, servo system, sensors and instrumentation like flow meters, transmitters, etc. Even new laptop (Windows) based code area unit getable for varied functions of automation like vogue and configuration, observation and dominant SCADA, info management, production management, quality management and quality and compliance. The companies need to offer complete vary of merchandise and solutions covering the full electrical and automation wants of any F&B plant. This includes solutions for technique and packaging areas like technique instruments, automation systems, HMI, DCS, fail safe systems, MES–Simatic IT, automation solutions for breweries, dairy, sugar, etc, solutions for filling & packing lines, low voltage switchgear, AC/DC drives and hearth detection systems. For the utility/electrical area, there area unit HV solutions for power transmission, MV drives and motors, casing for motors, solutions for switch yard and sub-station.

F&B legislation does not permit any compromise. the most focus is to protect the client and his interest, whereas giving consistent vogue. Hence, consistent high quality along-with complete transparency of the tactic is of nice importance throughout this business.


Automation solutions can promote a stronger understanding of production and business processes in addition to creating certain quality through precisely made public recipes. This ensures that consistent quality is formed and predefined parameters area unit strictly determined.“As risks and costs associated with food quality and safety have up dramatically, whereas automating associate F&B plant one ought to guarantee all operations area unit up to speed and in compliance with the business rules and standards . this wants the automation system provider implement reliable management and safety system that fits GMP, HACCP, ISO, and different quality and safety standards. This includes automation hardware vogue, code development as per standards.